Blogheading - Launch

BeChange.Earth goes online!

🚀 Welcome to a sustainable future with BeChange.Earth! 🌱

Shout-out to all impact drivers! We can hardly put into words how excited we are to finally be able to introduce you to our new heart project - is going online! 🌍💚

🌟 Our mission

BeChange enables tangible socio-ecological change. We offer a simple, free and transparent way to sustainable-only providers on the market based on the most tangible evaluations in the field - in the areas of energy, banking and mobile communications. Be part of a transition where sustainability becomes the norm, not the exception!

💡 Skip long research and filtering

Until now, there has been no platform that makes comparing and switching to exclusively clean suppliers so transparent, simple and secure. We want to change that! BeChange is all about comparing, switching and transforming! Independent organizations and labels identify the highest quality criteria for each segment. Based on this, the best tariffs for truly green electricity, sustainable current accounts and sustainable mobile phone tariffs are put together. 🌱💰📱

🔄 Switch without complications

We know the thought of switching providers can be a little intimidating. But with BeChange, it's as easy as a click! Switch to environmentally friendly energy, a bank that shares your values and a mobile tariff that's sustainable - without the bureaucratic hurdles. 🌎✨

💚 Be pioneers of change!

We firmly believe that our market signal is an important key to real change. Your individual impact matters - you are a driver of change. Every decision you make has an impact - on our society and on our environment. We explain in detail why your monthly fixed costs play such an important role. Ready to do your part for positive change? 💫🌿

🤝 Strong together

And hey, we cordially invite you to become part of our partner community! If you see symbioses with our project to drive this common mission forward, please write to us.

Let's shape history consciously and positively together! 🌏📚